Black Sea Scientific Journal Of Academic Research

Opinion Article - (2022) Volume 59, Issue 3


Ishita Kant*
Department of Sociology, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
*Correspondence: Ishita Kant, Department of Sociology, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, Email:

Received: Nov 28, 2022, Manuscript No. BSSJAR-22-82812; Editor assigned: Dec 02, 2022, Pre QC No. BSSJAR-22-82812(PQ); Reviewed: Dec 16, 2022, QC No. BSSJAR-22-82812; Revised: Dec 23, 2022, Manuscript No. BSSJAR-22-82812(R); Published: Dec 30, 2022, DOI: 10.36962/GBSSJAR/59.3.002


fake submariner

About the Study

“Social Movement” represents a social miracle that assumes great significance in the study of not only collaborative gusted but also of social change. Sociologist have started communicating great interest in studying its part not only in bringing about changes in society but also in defying them. A social movement is a type of collaborative gusted that could be a lasting one and at the same time, an influential bone. It is, indeed, “a creator of social change”.

Description of social movement

A social movement is formally defined as a collaborative amusement with some durability to promote or repel change in the society or group of which it's a part. A social movement is a collaborative trouble to promote or repel change. Social movements can be defined as organized group trouble to induce or repel social change. A social movement is a collaborative trouble to transfigure established relations within a particular society. A non-institutionalized trouble to change society through collaborative action is called a social movement.

Characteristics of social movement

Collaborative action: Social movement involves collaborative action. Still, this collaborative action, takes the form of movement only when it's sustained for a long time. This collaborative action need not be formally organized. It could be an informal attempt also. But it should be suitable to produce an interest and awakening in a fairly large number of people.

Acquainted towards social change: A social movement is generally acquainted towards bringing about social change. This change could either be partial or total. Though the movement is aimed at bringing about change in the values, morals and testaments of the system, the counter attempts are typically protective and restorative rather than innovative and initiating change.

Types of social movements

Reform movement: A reform movement or reformism is a type of social movement that aims to bring a social or also a political system closer to the community's ideal. A reform movement is distinguished from more radical social movements such as revolutionary movements which reject those old ideals, in that the ideas are often grounded in liberalism, although they may be rooted in socialist.

Revolutionary movements: The revolutionary movements deny that the system will indeed work. These movements are deeply displeased with the social order and work for radical change. They endorse replaces the entire living structure. Their ideal is the reorganization of society in agreement with their own ideological design. Revolutionary movements generally prefer not to use violence although some of them do resort to violence.

Revivalist movement

Some movements are known as archconservative or accumulative movements. These aim at “putting the timepiece back”. Their members view certain social changes with dubitation and try to reverse the current trends. They punctuate the significance and greatness of traditional values, testaments and institutional arrangements. They explosively condemn the presto moving changes of the contemporary.

Resistance movements

These movements are formed to repel a change that's formerly taking place in society. The numerous social and artistic changes of recent decades have been profoundly disturbing to numerous of the Indians who feel that our public merits, traditional values, and artistic greatness, are being eroded by denomination, nonage conciliation, moral declination, political corruption and vend out of public interests for the partial political interests, and so on. Good number of contemporary resistance movements usually operates under different organizations and acting in different phases or geographical areas within a country.